Monday, November 20, 2017

These Marketers Are Crunching Mounds of Data and Using AI to Understand the Customer Experience - AdWeek (Lauren Johnson)

Image Credit: Getty Images

  • "Steinberg claims that the AI and data-based processes generate up to 1600 percent higher rate of returns compared to generically targeted marketing. While traditional lookalike targeting creates broad nets for targeting—like women between 16 and 50 years old—AI analyzes and matches broader sets of data such as websites, weather and location for more specific targeting."
  • “If you have five sources of data, you end up with 25 or 50 different connections that you need to create as an engineering team,” he said. “People wanting to use machine learning to build better products or better customer experience are discovering that they really need to focus on first-party data that they’ve pulled together from their own product and their own interactions with their customers.”
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