Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Emotional breakdown – how Air Canada uses AI to improve customer relationships - Marisa Garcia

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  • "Nasr says that this initial Alexa skills project lays a strong foundation for the integration of AI in other customer-facing applications. “A lot of what we’ve done with Alexa and RozieAi can be extended to other ecosystems, like Facebook and Google, so we are not re-building the entire solution for each of the ecosystems. It becomes more of an adaptation as required or as justified by differences from one product to the next.”
  • Air Canada has also applied AI to product marketing through a collaboration with AI marketing content generation platform Persado. For example, by incorporating anxiety language, Air Canada has experienced up to 48% more opens of emails and click-throughs were almost 220% higher when it directed consumers to “see deals” versus to “book now” in the call-to-action button of the email.
  • For Air Canada, part of the refinement of the conversion funnel, and of engaging CRM, is a prioritization of mobile which is in high demand by customers. This in turn means a prioritization of voice queries and chatbots.
  • Air Canada believes AI is now an integral part of improving operations both in the back-end and customer-facing. Nasr says: “The question is: can the AI and other technologies be used to make it easier and better for our people to deliver service?"
  • Read Full Post

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