Sunday, August 20, 2017

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  • "IDC estimates IoT spending will total nearly $1.4 trillion by 2021, as companies invest in hardware, software and connectivity.
  • Roughly 66% have no plans to prepare for voice search, although it accounts for more than 20% of all mobile searches. Yet, 31% believe it is the “next big thing.”
  • Some 32% of respondents to the BrightEdge survey also believe artificial intelligence (AI) is the “next big thing,” but 57% are “not likely” to implement any element of AI this year."

"The study surveyed 717 marketing decision-makers at retail and e-commerce businesses with revenues from $50 million to $5 billion, in the U.S, U.K., Germany, France and Australia.  It identified four categories of AI readiness across three dimensions of strategy, organization and technology:
  • Experts (11%), who “demonstrate true AI readiness across all three dimensions.”
  • Opportunists (34%), who “excel at two of three dimensions.”
  • Novices (28%), who “excel at only one of the three dimensions.”
  • Laggards (27%), who “clearly struggle across all dimensions.”"

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