Thursday, October 5, 2017

Retailers & AI - CSA

“In a move to step up their customer experiences, more retailers are embracing artificial intelligence (AI). This was according to the third quarterly ‘2017 E-commerce Performance Index,’ a report from SLI Systems.
  • 54% of companies reported they are using or plan to add AI in the future
  • 20% expect to add AI within the next 12 months

The most popular applications for AI -- among both existing retail users and those that plan to use AI within the next 12 months – are:
  • 56% - personalized product recommendations
  • 41% - customer service requests
  • 35% - chatbots

Of those planning to implement AI:
  • 13% plan to build their own technology
  • 60% will buy existing technology
  • 27% expect to blend build and buy”

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