Friday, June 30, 2017

ai eCommerce News - June 30

Forty-five percent of retailers are planning to use AI in the next few years, according to the latest research from Boston Retail Partners. This AI integration will be done through the use of chatbots or digital assistants and primarily used for customer enhancement services.
    Optimizing the customer experience — 55 percent
    Increasing customer loyalty — 50 percent
    Improving mobile shopping experience — 45 percent
    Creating a seamless experience across channels — 42 percent
    Enhancing personalized service/sales assistance — 32 percent
    Providing personalized promotions, recommendations and/or offerings — 24 percent”

“While it is still early days for AI technology, Alibaba has made no secret of its ambitions in the space. However, Alibaba faces competition from its rival Chinese internet companies Baidu and Tencent, both of which are investing heavily in AI.

Baidu, which is in the process of becoming an AI-first company, this year announced a major breakthrough in technology development after successfully teaching a virtual agent to learn a language from scratch. The move is viewed as a significant step towards teaching machines to learn like humans.

Last month, Tencent announced it would open a second AI lab, basing its new centre in Seattle, as the firm steps up its research into AI, machine learning and deep learning.”

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