Monday, January 30, 2017

AI Vendor Research: Boomtrain

Vendor: Boomtrain
Headquarters: San Francisco & India (Bengaluru, Karnataka)

Key Product Offerings:
  1. Marketing Automation – All communication across all channels
  2. Marketing Automation + Artificial Intelligence
  3. Enterprise Solutions – Fully customized AI driven marketing engine
A la carte offerings
  1. Onsite & In-App
  2. Messenger
  3. LightBox
Articles about Boomtrain:

Nick Edwards, CEO & Co-founder – LinkedIn Profile
Chris Monberg, CTO & Co-founder – LinkedIn Profile


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbots would be key areas of focus for retailers

Mobile salesdrive unexpected UK e-commerce growth

"The index report predicted that UK e-commerce sales would grow 14% in 2017. Capgemini’s Unadkat said that artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbots would be key areas of focus for retailers in the coming year. Tools like AI voice assistants and chatbots in mobile apps and mobile messaging platforms could help eliminate the screen size pain point by introducing more voice capabilities that minimize the need to manually type in product names, payment credentials, and shipping information. That will make these tools an important part of retailers’ mobile strategies going forward."