Sunday, July 30, 2017

ai eCommerce News: eBay launches AI-powered visual search tools

"eBay is rolling out a new visual search feature that lets shoppers use a photograph to find products for sale on the site. The Image Search feature uses computer vision and deep learning to compare images that a shopper uploads to the eBay app to the images of live listings on eBay. The system then ranks the results based on visual similarity and displays them for the shopper."

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Infographic: The Current State of Machine Intelligence 3.0


This is an infographic developed by titled The Current State of Machine Intelligence 3.0. Also, be sure to read the associated post. Here are just a couple of my favorite quotes:

  • "We’ve had a few people tell us that the biggest predictor of whether a company will successfully adopt machine intelligence is whether they have a C-Suite executive with an advanced math degree. These executives understand it isn’t magic—it is just (hard) math."

  • "Then, if you do understand how this technology can supercharge your organization, you realize it’s so valuable that you want to hoard it. Businesses are saying to machine intelligence companies, 'forget you selling this technology to others, I’m going to buy the whole thing.'"