Sunday, November 13, 2016

Game-changing impact of AI plus Growth Marketing

During my time at Facebook I learned about the power of Growth Marketing. In fact, I was astonished by the amount of impact that can be generated by a single Growth Marketing professional. That said, they have been traditionally limited by the manual speed at which they can implement and analyze their tests. Artificial intelligence combined with the knowledge and expertise of a skilled Growth Marketer is a game-changing evolution.

- bmcgee

This is a really interesting post by Ben Davis titled, "Could AI kill off the conversion optimisation consultant?"

"One area where machine learning would seem a good fit is conversion rate optimisation (CRO). The assumptions of marketers are often confounded by A/B or multivariate testing, so allowing your website to quietly tweak itself based on machine learning would seem to make sense.

And, who'd have thought it, there are companies offering this very product - a SaaS-based CRO solution that uses AI. Sentient Technologies launched a product (called Sentient Ascend) in September 2016. "

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

3 ways artificial intelligence is transforming e-commerce

This is a really interesting article that takes a look at the convergence of eCommerce and Ai. The author references the key implementations of: Search, Personal Shopping and Data.

- bmcgee

"Where exactly will this impact be felt? Here are three key implementations of AI that will fundamentally change the face of e-commerce, bringing it many leaps closer to its optimal impact.

1. The search glitch - Arguably the biggest limitation in the e-commerce industry today is the burden placed on the consumer to choose and then fine-tune a keyword that accurately identifies or describes the product they want..."